If you have been searching for a cost-effective way of keeping your house cool in summer, you have probably researched a lot of information about state-of-the-art heat reflective paint, innovative whirlybirds and tinted windows.
But have you looked out your windows and considered how to utilise your landscaping to keep your house cool.
Sustainability Victoria highlights the five greatest passive cooling techniques for keeping your house during a heatwave.
These five passive cooling techniques can help you dramatically slash your reliance on air conditioning during even the most intense summer days.
While you can not change the orientation of your house, you can take advantage of designer landscaping to create a buffer against direct sunlight and hot winds.
So what are the very best tips for using landscaping to keep your house cool? We have gathered together the most innovative and effective landscaping techniques used by professional landscape designers and architects to create a more comfortable and energy-efficient house.
It does not take a Nobel Laureate to know that planting trees in your yard can provide your home with effective shading that keeps your house cool. In fact, according to Better Homes & Gardens, "a well-positioned tree can save up to 25 % of electricity for cooling in your home."
But to identify the exact position for planting each type of tree takes a thorough understanding of horticulture and some careful calculations.
In fact, trees that are located on the western aspect of a property can reduce net carbon emissions from electricity use by 30%.
Shade to the roof of your house can have a massive impact on the amount of radiated heat throughout your property.
But there are risks if you plant the wrong type of tree in the wrong location in your yard. Trees can create extensive foundation damage if they are planted too close to your home. Some trees grow slower than others, so it could be decades before you get any solar relief if you choose the wrong type of tree.
One simple but effective way of reducing your electricity bill is by planting shrubs near your air conditioning unit to provide it with shade throughout the day. Keeping your shrubs at least 1 meter away from the air conditioning unit to ensure they are not affected by the heated exhaust wind of the unit.
While this no small task, extending the living space of your home can actually help keep your house cool. When a verandah or pergola is constructed on the West side of your house, it will reduce the amount of strong afternoon sun that streams into your house. An open plan pergola design encourages cooling winds to be introduced throughout your house. A vine-covered wall is a cost-effective way of creating natural insulation throughout the pergola.
Avoid using dark pavers or paint on the external structures of your house. Even though matte black offers an awesome minimalistic atmosphere, it creates a terrible heat trap. You can read all over this website about the Solar Reflectivity Index, but this is not just important for your roof.
While you may not have the budget for using white marble extensively throughout your landscape if you can at least use light coloured pavers you will ensure that your landscaping is not radiating heat to your home.
An experienced landscape designer can combine landscape architecture with advanced horticulture that ensures your yard looks exquisite and offers natural cooling advantages to your home. Investing in a professional landscape plan can save you money, headaches and frustration. Professional landscape designers will create a stylish outdoor space custom-designed for your outdoor lifestyle and intended aesthetic. Landscaping is not cheap, so you want to make sure that every tree, shrub and bush is planted in the right location to ensure it thrives year after year.
Dapple Landscape Design is a team of highly regarded landscape designers, landscape architects, horticulturists and garden professionals with a passion for creating elegant outdoor spaces. With an extensive portfolio of stunning yard transformations and award-winning landscape plans, Dapple Landscape Design has established a reputation as an industry leader and innovator.
No matter the complexity, scale or budget of your new build or garden renovation, Dapple Landscape Design has the expertise and experience to ensure your project is a success.
Would you like an online consultation?
Dapple Landscape Design has been at the forefront of online garden design in Australia. If you would like to take advantage of the outstanding design skills of the Dapple Landscape Design team you can request a consultation on the company website.
The team will help you create outdoor spaces that exceed even the highest expectations.
Whether your priority is to create the most sustainable low-maintenance garden to keep your house cool or you need an elegant transformation of your commercial facility landscape, Dapple Landscape Design is the team you can engage with 100% confidence.
What Services Does Dapple Landscape Design Provide?
If you would like to explore the design expertise of the Dapple Landscape Design team there is a gallery of some of the bespoke garden creations the team has recently completed on the company website.
Transform your outdoor space into a place that not only keeps your house cool in summer but adds an uplifting and enriching environment to your home.
Dapple Landscape Design
Address: Ellison Rd, Springwood NSW 2777, Australia
Phone: 0406 825 430
Website: https://www.dapplelandscapedesign.com.au/